Ten most expensive Cars to insure

iam.clemenstowe09's Avatar


20 Mar, 2015 05:50 AM

Who doesn’t dream of owning a luxurious car? Just about everyone has daydreamed about owning their dream car, but most people are scared off by the outrageous price tag. For those not scared away by the price, they may want to consider the cost to keep it on the road each month: the cost of insuring it. The following ten cars are the most expensive to insure out of all cars currently sold in the US according to insure.com which compares the insurance rates from 6 of the largest car insurance companies. For the purposes of this list, the insured is a 40 year old male with a squeaky clean driving record, a 12 mile daily commute, a 100,000 dollar injury liability for one person, 300,000 dollar injury liability for all injuries, 50,000 dollars for property damage, and a 500 dollar deductible for collision and comprehensive coverage. In other words, these insurance costs could be much higher.

10. Mercedes GL63 AMG. This seven passenger SUV costs $2,609 to insure for one year.

9. Jaguar XKR Supercharged. This luxury sports car boasts 510 horse power. But it will cost $2,854 to insure for 12 months.

8. Audi A8L W12. Big, expensive, and European, it meets all the criteria for an expensive-to-insure car. One year of insurance will set you back $2,869.

7. Mercedes G63 AMG. Almost exactly like number 10 but more specialized and more expensive to insure. Insurance for this one costs $2,887 for 12 months

6. Audi R8 5.2 Spyder Quattro. This car can reach a top speed of 200 mph. Perhaps insurers assume drivers will be tempted to push the limits. This supercar costs $2,917 to insure.

5. Porsche Panamera Turbo S. At $2,970 to insure, this Porsche is the most expensive of all porches to insure, probably because of the extra doors and seats in the back.

4. Mercedes SLS AMG. While not the most expensive Mercedes money can buy, it does cost $2,986 just to insure it.

3. Mercedes-Benz CL550 4Matic. The first on the list to top $3,000 to insure, this is the most expensive-to-insure Mercedes at $3,019 for one year.

2. BMW M6. At 560 horse power and an MSRP topping 100,000, this is the only BMW to make this list. Insuring this car for 12 months will lighten your wallet to the tune of $3,065.

1. Nissan GT-R Track Edition. Known by the endearing name, “Godzilla,” this supercar is the most expensive car to insure currently sold in the US at $3,169 for just 12 months.

Auto news brought to you by directinsurance.agency

Source: autoblog.com/photos/most-expensive-cars-insure/?icid=autoblog|trend|most-expensive-cars-to-insure#image-2

Tags: car insurance, auto insurance, car insurance quotes, auto insurance quotes, affordable car insurance, supercars, sports cars

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