Schedule Downloads and Avoid Duplicates

noir's Avatar


Nov 20, 2013 @ 06:35 PM

Let's say TVshows app know that new episodes are scheduled for next week. Instead of looking for new episodes every X minutes (don't know the default setting), just check AFTER the episode aired and keep a history to avoid duplicates.

I'm downloading the same episodes over and over, even weeks after.

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Cristina Gómez on Nov 25, 2013 @ 01:04 PM

    Cristina Gómez's Avatar

    Hi noir,

    The current system consists in periodically polling each feed for new episodes, so while is not perfect (we may address the scheduled approach in the next major version) it shouldn't download duplicates.

    However, we just recovered from a rough couple of weeks and whenever there is a feed downtime, TVShows gets up to speed as soon as things get back to normal, catching up with episodes released during the downtime, and sometimes those episodes may be downloaded twice, both in SD and HD. But this should be a one time issue.

    If this was happening even before the downtime, please check if you're using custom subscriptions, because they work differently: since TVShows is prepared to support multiple show feeds, it doesn't check the episode number, it downloads every new item in the feed, so if different versions of an episode are published in the feed, TVShows will download all of them. Custom subscriptions show a green gear icon over the show image, and you may have accidentally converted preset list subscriptions into custom ones (if you didn't intend that, just unsubscribe and subscribe again from the preset list).

    Please let us know if your issue falls outside these assumptions, and if that's the case, send us the log (About tab -> View logs, please paste the content into a text file and attach it to the message) so we can take a look.

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