Add a "refresh" button for checking my shows!
I would love if you guys could add a small refresh button to manually check if new episodes are available. Even though I have it set to check every 30 mins, sometimes when I look its been over 2 days since the prefpane actually checked, it would be nice if there was a way to trigger it manually in these instances. Thanks!
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1 Posted by reedkitch on 13 Nov, 2013 12:51 AM
There is a refresh button. click the menu icon and it gives the following options: Check for new subscriptions now, subscriptions..., sync... ect. Just click the first link that says to check for new subscriptions.
Support Staff 2 Posted by Cristina Gómez on 13 Nov, 2013 10:07 AM
Hi John,
As reedkitch said, there's a "check now" option in the menubar icon menu, you can activate the menubar icon from TVShows Preferences.
TVShows shouldn't go through 2 days without checking for new episodes. However, there's a known issue that may make you think that (even though TVShows is periodically checking as it should): the "last checked" date on the bottom right corner of the TVShows window is not always accurate. If you decide to activate the menubar icon, it will also tell you the last checked time, and it is more reliable.
If you still think TVShows is not checking as frequently as it should, please send us the log (About tab -> View logs, please paste the content into a text file and attach it to the message) so we can take a look.