Make TVShows the only tv show automator needed !
Hi all,
Currently, being a real lazy ass, I have three different apps to
manage my tv shows automatically (the combination works ok, but
still it is three different apps, and setting it all up was quite
tiring and still not up to my greatest requests !), TVshowsapp,
Hazel and submarine.
Obviously tvshowsapp dls the episode.
Then Hazel moves it from the download folder to a specific folder
in the movies folder, named after the show's name (keeping the "."
where spaces should be, problem number one!), and renames the file
to a format I like (still leaving dots).
Then Submarine finds the subtitles for the show (I have to open and
close the app for it to find the subtitle, problem number two)
And still after all this my files 1) don't have a nice name 2) don't have any metadata.
It took me quite some time to get to this result, and I believe TVShowsapp could do all that for me, in a single motion. And be a hole lot more accesible to anyone seeking to reach this result.
Personnaly, I would be ready to pay for such an app, especially if it could even do this for movies (no automatic dling, but renaming and subtitling), and I am convinced many others would be too.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Cristina Gómez on 17 Apr, 2012 10:46 AM
Please check this article from our knowledge base. We don't have an ETA for version 3.0, though.
Cristina Gómez closed this discussion on 17 Apr, 2012 10:46 AM.