i'd like to use utorrent as my BT client

Thomas 's Avatar


30 Dec, 2012 04:21 PM

I dont't know how to get TVShows to push the download to my utorrent client. But i don't want to use transmission, how can i get this to work?

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Cristina Gómez on 07 Jan, 2013 09:40 AM

    Cristina Gómez's Avatar

    Hi Thomas,

    If you're using .torrent files, you need to make utorrent the default app for them: hit Cmd+i on a .torrent file, go to the "Open with" section, select the torrent client you want to use on the dropdown menu (if it doesn't appear, click "Other" and search for it in your Applications folder) and click the "Change all" button. Then, if you click any .torrent file it should open this app, and TVShows will also trigger it.

    If you're using magnets, I'm afraid there is no system setting for handling magnets. Transmission has its own "use Transmission for magnet links" option, but I don't know if utorrent has it. If it doesn't, you can use RCDefaultApp, it will let you choose the default app for pretty much anything.

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