Web interface / episode check / web-dl

skootles's Avatar


28 Feb, 2012 04:35 PM

It'd be really nice to get a web interface that would allow you to manage your subscriptions and change the program settings from another machine. I'm not sure how many others are in this boat, but I myself use a dedicated Mac Mini as my media box. It also acts as my torrent downloader/seedbox. I've got TVShows installed on it and it works great, but if I ever have to change something in the settings (not very often, but occasionally) then I have to remote in and interrupt whatever I'm watching. Obviously a bit of an undertaking and I'm sure it's been considered before, but just thought I'd put it out there.

Also, it'd be nice to check for episodes more often than every 30 minutes. Maybe as low as 15 or 10 minutes.

My final suggestion is to be able to prioritize torrents with "WEB-DL" in the title. They are usually better quality than the other HD torrents.

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Víctor Pimentel on 04 Mar, 2012 02:29 AM

    Víctor Pimentel's Avatar

    Hi skootles,

    Thank you for the suggestions, I'll walk through them one by one:

    • The web interface will be probably added in the next version. Until them, if you sync your shows with Miso you can achieve kind of the same functionality (by using the Miso web).
    • The episode check interval directly affects us because we are hosting our own feeds. It is very aggresive to set it to 10 minutes because it means than just one user with 10 subscriptions will be downloading the 1440 files a day from our servers. Anyway, those results are cached by two hours, so in the end you will not notice much of a improvement.
    • Right now we prioritize them over other mkv releases. But they are not regularly released and when they are, they are released one day later, so at that time TVShows will probably just downloaded the first version.


  2. Víctor Pimentel closed this discussion on 04 Mar, 2012 02:29 AM.

  3. skootles re-opened this discussion on 04 Mar, 2012 12:55 PM

  4. 2 Posted by skootles on 04 Mar, 2012 12:55 PM

    skootles's Avatar

    Understandable about the server load. Why not keep the current limit for predefined feeds, but allow a lower value for custom feeds?

  5. Support Staff 3 Posted by Víctor Pimentel on 04 Mar, 2012 01:18 PM

    Víctor Pimentel's Avatar

    That would be even worse, since the preferred way to make a custom RSS is by using a Yahoo! Pipe of ours. And Yahoo! imposes a very strict limit, so if a lot of users start using that, all of our feeds will crush since they depend on that Yahoo! Pipe :/

  6. 4 Posted by skootles on 04 Mar, 2012 05:38 PM

    skootles's Avatar

    I mean for ones not generated with TVShows.

  7. Support Staff 5 Posted by Cristina Gómez on 05 Mar, 2012 09:06 PM

    Cristina Gómez's Avatar

    Víctor wasn't referring to feeds generated with TVShows, but with our Yahoo! Pipe, which is the most common use of custom feeds.

  8. Cristina Gómez closed this discussion on 05 Mar, 2012 09:06 PM.

  9. skootles re-opened this discussion on 05 Mar, 2012 09:10 PM

  10. 6 Posted by skootles on 05 Mar, 2012 09:10 PM

    skootles's Avatar

    Yes, but I'm referring to feeds not generated by Yahoo either. True custom feeds.

  11. Support Staff 7 Posted by Cristina Gómez on 05 Mar, 2012 09:20 PM

    Cristina Gómez's Avatar

    The thing is, TVShows only distinguishes between preset list and custom subscriptions, we cannot set an interval for custom shows not made out of our Yahoo! Pipe and another one for other custom shows.

    And since Yahoo! Pipe is the most common way to use custom feeds, setting a lower interval is not advisable.

  12. Cristina Gómez closed this discussion on 05 Mar, 2012 09:20 PM.

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