TVShows 569 - Unknown Submitter

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Unknown Submitter

30 Oct, 2011 02:18 AM

Not a question but – because I can not afford cable tv basic or premium – and because I can not afford an antenna as well as having strict limitations of what is/n't allowed in the building I live in – as well as only having a limited access to an internet connection that is weak at best – and finally(?!) my computer is so old and slow that watching videos online is more frustrating than entertaining – I wanted to say "thank you" for TVShows because I finally get to enjoy some things I have been missing out on... I just had this idea: there are no commercials in the shows I subscribe to and I know most are sponsored by commercials, so I was thinking I wanted to make it known that I am not a "GIMME" kind of person, I would happily sit through the very commercial interruptions that air during the original broadcasts, even happy if they couldn't be FFed or skipped. The torrent is the easiest and best way for me to see the programs I like. I am being long-winded about
 saying that if TVShows were to remain free of charge but provide the service of supplying [ahem] network-approved torrents, including commercials, I would absolutely and happily still use it.

Have I made any sense? I can't at this time even contribute monetary support, so I thought if TVShows ever went [ahem] "legit" that I would tell you now that I would still support it at least by using it. You can't watch a show that airs for free for free with iTunes or anyplace else. If they included commercials and made them free would be cool. TVShows is setup fantastically. So at the very least I wanted to say "thank you"

Unknown Submitter

  1. Víctor Pimentel closed this discussion on 30 Oct, 2011 09:36 PM.

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