.mp4 downloads won't work with Apple TV
Since a lot of torrent sites have moved to .mp4 downloads, I have been having trouble with .264 files not playing on my Apple TV. They play fine in my iTunes, but not on our Apple TV (Gen 1).
Is there anyway to select only .avi files to be downloaded?
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Cristina Gómez on 29 Feb, 2012 12:23 PM
Hi April,
Sorry, we can't do anything about it because we depend on the scene and as you said they now use .mp4.
If you want .avi you can search in The Pirate Bay for users that upload your shows in that format and add them as custom shows following the instructions in our blog, but since the most popular uploaders have moved to .mp4, .avi releases will have less seeds and will get longer to download.
You can always convert the .mp4 so it's compatible with your AppleTV.
Cristina Gómez closed this discussion on 29 Feb, 2012 12:23 PM.