Custom feeds (and all feeds at the moment)
I am trying to add a custom feed for Naruto Shippuden. I can't seem to get the pipe to work. The user clearly has stuff uploaded named Naruto, but the pipe doesn't find any of them . Any ideas?
Possibly related or not, all the shows I have from your lists are blank in the episodes box, I am going to reinstall and see if that helps.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Cristina Gómez on 24 Feb, 2012 04:49 PM
Hi Dan,
The problem with Anime is that it doesn't follow a standard naming convention (SXXEYY or XxYY), so even if the pipe found any items TVShows wouldn't understand the format. We can't do anything for now, but we'll address issues like that in the next major version.
The other issue you mention is unrelated and it is due to a problem at our end, the feeds have been intermittently down for the past couple of days. We're trying to fix it, sorry for the inconvenience.
Cristina Gómez closed this discussion on 24 Feb, 2012 04:49 PM.