Torrent Problems
when I download an episode, I get a torrent in UTorrent, but the
file is empty?
what to do?
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Cristina Gómez on Feb 03, 2012 @ 08:58 PM
Hi Tim,
Can you give us some examples? Have you tried another torrent client? Can you send us the log (About tab -> View logs)?
2 Posted by Tim Aran on Feb 04, 2012 @ 11:37 AM
I tried to download Californication SO5E03, When I clicked download, I got the torrent in my torrentprogram, but it was empty, it had a size of 0 bits. I don't know how to try another torrent client?
3 Posted by David on Feb 04, 2012 @ 04:34 PM
This is happening with most of my torrents.. Portlandia, The Soup, American Idol.. all within the last 2 or 3 days.
Support Staff 4 Posted by Víctor Pimentel on Feb 05, 2012 @ 04:08 PM
Hi Tim and David,
I see that both of you have the Magnets options activated, either because you manually click on that or either The Pirate Bay is somehow blocked. This option may be a little difficult to understand the first time.
Basically, the classic way of downloading a torrent is downloading a .torrent file with the basic information about the torrent and then your client can start download the actual file. The problem is that those .torrent files need to be accessible from some website, in our case The Pirate Bay.
A more modern way of downloading a torrent is using a magnet link. This magnet link is just a pointer to a way to retrieve the torrent information, but it doesn't contain that information. The good thing is that is not linked to any website, so if you know the correct link, you can start downloading the file even if The Pirate Bay is down.
What you are both seeing is the initial phase, where the client doesn't yet have all the information about the episode (so there is no content and the size is zero). Your torrent client will take from 30 seconds to a couple of minutes to retrieve all the information about the torrent, and then it will start downloading it as always.
Eventually the result is exactly the same, the episode will be download even if it take a couple of minutes more to download. But it is more reliable since it doesn't need The Pirate Bay to start downloading. That is, if The Pirate Bay was down, it would take hours until the website is up again, so TVShows tries to choose the best available option.
TL;DR; Just wait a little more for the download to start.
Víctor Pimentel closed this discussion on Feb 05, 2012 @ 04:08 PM.