TVShows 569 - Shawn Skalinski

skazzyskills's Avatar


25 Oct, 2011 08:28 AM

Just to let you know, there are currently a lot of bogus .rar torrents going around in the last few days. This messes up downloading as they aren't really the real torrent (it happened with Fringe, Game of Thrones (it said S02E01, but that doesn't even start until April), Sons of Anarchy, and a few others. Some (insert bad word here) has decided to mess with torrent downloaders. I had about 5 bogus torrents download yesterday. Any way to block .rar torrent files I wonder?


Shawn Skalinski

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Cristina Gómez on 25 Oct, 2011 08:42 AM

    Cristina Gómez's Avatar

    Hi Shawn,

    We've had some problems with the sources lately, especially yesterday as you noticed. We think it's fixed now, though we are still monitoring it so if a new fake appears wean take it out as soon as we can. Please unsubscribe from those shows of which you got fakes and subscribe again so TVShows downloads the right episode when it comes out.

    Next beta will give you the option to block rar files, you can read more about it in this article

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

  2. Cristina Gómez closed this discussion on 25 Oct, 2011 08:42 AM.

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