new shows not showing up
Last night, Modern Family and The Americans had new episodes. On
the subscription page, it says March 12 last downloaded. But the
latest episodes listed in the show window are from March 5. And the
new ones didn't download. Revolution did download last night just
fine, so it's not every show. I do have prioritize magnets clicked.
I've had this "hit or miss" issue since the big blackout. Any
I really appreciate all the work you guys do on this app so I
understand if it takes a while to get fixed, this is my main TV
basically. Thanks!
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31 Posted by 111 on 24 Mar, 2014 10:52 PM
Lin B - one thing you can do to fix your icons is to subscribe to the show in TVShows, then delete the TVShow feed and add in the showRSS feed in its place.
32 Posted by MILE on 24 Mar, 2014 11:24 PM
Don -- thanks for the info, I guess I am going to try that then…! Since I always dl all my shows in HD the "super feed" should work for me…
I still wish there was a way to use the RSS feed from but for now this will have to do, at least until the devs change or fix a few things…
One more thing: do I have to remove all the shows that I've manually added to TVShows before using the new feed or is that going to replace everything…?
33 Posted by 111 on 25 Mar, 2014 12:57 AM
Mike - if you are doing HD, set your showRSS feeds (with the wrench icon) as 720p, make sure you do the same when you generate the super feed quality (either per show or all in 720p) and check Download in HD on the TVShows custom subscription.
If you don't delete the ones you've already subscribed to in TVShows, you could wind up with duplicates if/when TVShows start to work again.
34 Posted by MILE on 25 Mar, 2014 01:54 AM
Great, once again thanks for all your help…! :)
35 Posted by matt on 25 Mar, 2014 03:24 AM
I restarted my computer today, and a bunch of stuff started downloading.
36 Posted by Fred H on 25 Mar, 2014 09:49 AM
I haven't restarted lately, but both my Sunday and Monday night shows all downloaded without any problems this week - strange....but I'm happy if it lasts.
37 Posted by Bob on 28 Mar, 2014 07:22 PM
Yep. Well i made a few Custom RSS with Yahoo Pipes, following the instructions here, mainly to avoid multiple downloads. Hopefully they will work, I´ll keep an eye on things durin the next week.
38 Posted by Bob on 28 Mar, 2014 07:34 PM
Does the superfeed actually work. It seems like an interesting choice, but i´ll stick to individual feeds for now.
39 Posted by 111 on 28 Mar, 2014 07:44 PM
Bill - I've been using the super feed for about a month now and once I got it set up correctly, haven't had an issue with duplicate or missed downloads. See thread above on how to set it up.
40 Posted by 111 on 28 Mar, 2014 08:00 PM
Bill - I've been using the super feed for about a month now and once I got it set up properly, I haven't had any issues with duplicates or missed downloads. See the thread above about how to set up the showRSS feed with TVShows.
41 Posted by Lin B on 28 Mar, 2014 11:36 PM
Don, I have my show feeds all set up thru tvshowsapp. i deleted all the tvshow link and put in the rssshow links. It works fine except, just as before with tvshows, there will be downloads available (tpb, eztv) and they won't show in the episode box. Next morning they usually download. However, I will have downloaded some manually and then the rss feed will attempt a duplicate download of something I already have. Any way to stop it from downloading something already in transmission and on my drive?
42 Posted by 111 on 28 Mar, 2014 11:43 PM
Lin B - the only thing I can think of is that you may have more than one feed in the subscription. The one from showrss and another (from TPB or EZTV). If that's the case, delete the one from TPB or EZTV and that should fix the duplicate issue. If that's not the case, then I'm stumped.
Just like with any custom subscription, TVShow will download what you tell it to. If you have more than one feed per subscription, it's going to download each file that matches the conditions you've set for it for each feed.
Hope this helps.
43 Posted by 111 on 28 Mar, 2014 11:59 PM
Lin B - another issue is that you are manually downloading the file. I'm guessing that TVShows won't recognize that one has been manually downloaded and will download it once it shows up through showRSS and then into TVShows. It may take a few hours from when a show is shown in TPB or EZTV and when it populates through showRss and finally into TVShows.