Best setup for saving to network drive that isn't always connected
I am wondering what the best practice is for saving to a network drive. The problem is that I am running TV Shows 2 on my laptop, and I am not always connected to the NAS where the episodes are being saved to.
I am using Transmission, and saving the torrent to the show directory on the NAS, then saving the episode to where the torrent is saved.
It appears that what happens now is that if the NAS is not connected, TV Shows reports that a new episode is available, but because the destination is not available, it doesn't initiate a download. Even after I connect to the NAS, I must then go back and manually add the missed episodes.
I am hoping there is a simpler and more foolproof method to achieve this.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Víctor Pimentel on 14 Jan, 2012 12:25 PM
Hi anon,
This will be fixed shortly, so that if the file cannot be written, the episode is considered as not downloaded. So, next time it checks, if the NAS is downloaded, then the episode is correctly downloaded.
Until the next version is out, I recommend you to put another location as the download, otherwise you are going to miss episodes :/
Víctor Pimentel closed this discussion on 14 Jan, 2012 12:25 PM.