Excluding *.RAR video torrents

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29 Nov, 2011 06:26 PM

I would like to be able to exclude RAR-ed video torrents as I do not download them out of principle. I imagine this would require the program to choose between a number of candidate torrents and exclude these that match a file filter.

Clarification on principle:
1. Other than the torrents returned by this Preference panel, I rarely encounter torrents with RAR archives that are legit. They therefore make me wary.
2. Mac does not natively support the WinRAR format, and I dislike the available solutions.
3. Gain in transfer performance is negligible

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Cristina Gómez on 29 Nov, 2011 06:35 PM

    Cristina Gómez's Avatar

    Hi Q,

    If you're using the latest version (2.0RC), rars can be avoided by unchecking the "use additional sources" in the preferences tab.

    Keep in mind that most HD releases are in rar format, so if you select HD, TVShows will only be able to download the episodes in this format, and it will only do that after 12 hours (that's if you uncheck said preference). You can read more about how it works in this article from our knowledge base, which also explains how to change that waiting time.

  2. Cristina Gómez closed this discussion on 29 Nov, 2011 06:35 PM.

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